Lunik Metaphysical Therapy Services

Metaphysical Distress

Spirituality can be a great source of comfort. But when a person is facing a loss, physical and emotional pain, or other challenges, they may experience metaphysical distress. Metaphysical distress occurs when a person is no longer able to find meaning, peace, comfort, strength, or connection in life. It's natural for individuals who have been diagnosed with a terminal illness or who are experiencing great physical or emotional pain to question their beliefs. However, Lunik Metaphysical Therapy Services can help and assist an individual who is experiencing these signs and symptoms.

What are the symptoms of metaphysical/spiritual distress?

Spiritual distress can be experienced differently by different people. The signs and symptoms of spiritual distress include:

  • Feelings of anger or hopelessness
  • Feelings of depression and anxiety
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Feeling abandoned by God
  • Questioning the meaning of life or suffering
  • Questioning beliefs or sudden doubt in spiritual or religious beliefs
  • Asking why this situation occurred
  • Seeking spiritual help or guidance
  • Etc

Metaphysical/Spiritual distress is a common symptom in the terminally ill. Lunik SandD Natural Healthcare is available to assist patients experiencing any kind of the metaphysical/spiritual distress. To know more about metaphysical therapy and other common end-of-life challenges, please call +234 901 492 9646